Ser du etter golfklubber og golfbaner i Caribbean ?
Det er ikke alltid like lett å finne alle klubber og baner i Caribbean på nett, men her lister vi mange av dem.
Caribbeanlisten over golfklubber og golfbaner:
Caribbean - golfbaner og golfklubber
Carambola Golf Club - Located in St. Croix, U.S.V.I. Offers eighteen holes and vacation packages. Includes course information and contact details.
Coco Beach Golf & Country Club - Located in Puerto Rico. Offers four sets of nine holes, membership information, facilities, special offers and contact details.
Costa Caribe Resort - Located in Southern Puerto Rico. Includes scorecard and map, rates and contact information.
Mahogany Run - Frazio design located on the north side of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Mid Ocean Club - Charles Blair Macdonald designed course built in 1921. Layout, rates and newsletter are featured.